What's Up with These Zucchinis? What's Up with Me?
Good morning, Blogger friends! I hope your Wednesday is starting out on the right foot. I've tried my best to think of something to blog about today that would be meaningful with a spiritual twist, but I have to say all I have is...zucchini.
Say what? I know you are thinking, "What does that have to do with anything?" Well, it really doesn't, other than there are four huge ones laying on my kitchen counter and I need to do something with them.
Rick seasoned and deep fried some this past weekend and they were AMAZING! But I'm always open to new recipes if anyone has any. Plus, a body can only eat so many, you know?
I've heard of zucchini bread, but not really a bread person. We've tried slicing them up in a pan with onions, I guess you could say a kind of saute....they were okay. Nothing better than an overgrown cucumber, huh? Bleh!
I will give you this random thought...
God is good. Profound, don't you think? Ha ha. I'm just so thankful for all He is doing in my life right now.
The last several years have been such a trial with me struggling against His will. I have finally learned to surrender and allow Him to do "His thing" in my life...I guess sort of like these zucchinis. They don't fret or worry. They never question their next drop of water or try to figure out what's in the soil beneath them, they just hang onto the vine and grow.
Woo hoo!! Look there, I actually came up with something half way spiritual. :) So with that, I guess I'll go in the kitchen and figure out what to do with these things. They've got to be useful for something. God says I am. (wink)
"I am the vine; you are the branches. if a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
Just another ramble,
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