Don't Give Up!
"I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors." 1 Kings 19:4b
Have you ever felt like Elijah...fed up...tired of all that is going on around you? Have you ever wanted to just lay down and quit?
God reminds us in His Word that our problems ARE too big for us, and that is exactly the place He wants us - total dependence on Him.
Elijah had grown weary from running and hiding from the enemy (King Ahab and Queen Jezebel). Though he had seen God work miracles in other times of his life, at this moment he was physically, mentally and emotionally spent. Yet, God cared and sent an angel to strengthen him with food, drink, rest and finally shelter in a new location.
It was precisely afterwards, when Elijah's attentions had been redirected (off of temporary frustrations and challenges), that God showed up, not in huge fanfare or outward manifestation, but in a still, small whisper with authoritative direction and revelation of things Elijah had no idea that was happening around him.
God was at work even through the difficulties. Elijah, however, had allowed earthly troubles to cloud his vision and thus usher in unfathomable despair.
What has clouded your vision today? Does it seem as if the enemy has the upper hand? Don't you dare believe it for one minute. We only see a very small part of the tapestry God is weaving.
Step back...take a breather. Let God refresh your soul and remind you that He is still in control, even in the midst of the darkness. Chin up. He's got this.
Blessings for you today.
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