Just Following Jesus!
This morning, I was on my way to work. Had a million thoughts running through my mind - some worshipful, others focused on mundane "to-do" lists, and still others wrapped up in frustrations, hurts, and longings.
I was just coming into the town I work when the car ahead of me slowed down to a snail's pace.
"Are you serious?! What are you moving so slow for?"
Confessing my crime, I rode this poor girl's bumper as my exasperation continued to rise, until I noticed she had a sticker in her back window...
I chuckled to myself. It was just like Him to interrupt my morning and remind me that often I do the very same thing to Him. I ride His bumper, so to speak, about all the things He has not done in my life.
Often I want to whip out around Him...to move ahead...pass Him up.
"Why are you going so slow?!"
"C'mon, God! Let's get this thing moving!!"
Instead, I should be content to follow behind and wait for the right time when He says, "Go! Now's the time."
Soooo, this morning as I finished the last few miles of my everyday commute, for those few minutes, I simply decided to...
Follow Jesus!
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