Make Your Valentine's Day Fireproof

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8

A couple years ago, a movie came out called Fireproof.  It was a story of a couple who had drifted apart - he in his work and addiction to porn, and she in her career and attraction to another man.

The marriage seemed hopeless, until a special challenge arrived in the mail.  The Love Dare, a 40-day "to-do" list, requiring  the reader to show love towards his/her spouse each day in a unique way for the allotted time period.

As sacrifices were made, hearts began to change, though not without struggle.  Finally, as God softened their hearts, not only was the couple's marriage saved, but they were both drawn into a relationship with Christ - the key ingredient to any marriage.

So today on Valentine's, why not grab a copy of the movie and watch it with your spouse, then look for ways to honor and bless him or her over the next 40 day period.  Who knows...God may move mountains on your behalf!

Seize the day through love,

Fireproof movie trailer

