A Cop’s Sunglasses…An Important Detail to God

*Re-post from last year.

 “But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell?…God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells.” Job 28:12, 23

We almost had a crisis on our hands! Last week after the Cpl. returned from a two day fishing excursion, in all of his excitement to see me again (snicker, snicker), he absentmindedly laid his precious sunglasses on the back of my car.

After gathering poles, backpack, dirty shoes, fishing gear, and his nasty old catch, we simply walked past the glasses and didn’t think anything further about them until the following day.

“Have you seen my sunglasses?” Those were the Cpl.’s words as he entered the house squinting from the noonday sun. “Um, yes, I believe they were on the back of my car which is now at the high school.” Sigh.

Now mind you, a cop’s sunglasses are almost as important to him as his weapon, handcuffs, etc. Standing in the middle of the highway directing traffic, working an accident, or just the ever-present “cool” factor, sunglasses are very, very important in the life of a cop.

So, when I informed him that our teenage daughter had driven them to school unaware, he wasn’t none too pleased with himself. After a few “shoulda, coulda, wish I would haves,” the Cpl. headed back to work and I retreated to my prayer closet, but not before I suggested he trace her path and see if they might happen to be on the side of the road or somehow miraculously still lying on the trunk of the car.

“Lord, you know how important those glasses are. Please help him find them unmangled and in one piece. Thank you! Amen.”
Not really giving it much thought, it wasn’t long when I received the following picture on my text.


Oh glory be! Our Almighty God who created the universe had heard my feeble prayer and answered something so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Yet to me (and the Cpl.), it was a huge blessing.

Even though God oversees the everyday huge things like planet rotation, vegetation growth, the intricacy of the inner workings of each human body, etc., He is also concerned with the small, minute details of things such as a police officer’s sunglasses.

Never feel as if He is too big to be concerned with your earthly problems. He is concerned…He’s very real, very personal, and very much in to every detail of our daily lives. So, give Him a try! Get to know Him. He’s really awesome, and…He might even help you find your glasses.
