Wilderness Comes Before the Blessing

I received another "thanks, but no thanks" email today from what I had hoped would be a potential foot in the door in the Christian writing world.  Once again, I felt the sting of my hopes being dashed...for just a little while. 

It's not that I doubt God.  Oh no!  I know He has a plan, though it may not look or play out the way I would choose.  But what it does sometimes do, is bring on a sort of wandering feel.  I begin to question, "What am I doing?  Is this all there is?  Did I somehow miss the call?  Have I lost sight of God's original plan for me?"

Though I sometimes wallow in the rejection, the Lord's voice does not diminish.  I hear Him calling on the wind as the sand of life stings my face.  At times I can't seem to find a clear path through the wilderness, but then in the most unexpected ways, He illuminates a portion for me to walk; not too much or I might run on ahead and forget my Leader. 

He will not leave me nor forsake me, this I know to be true.  However long my wanderings, there is a purpose to it, and His will for me will not be brought to fruition until the lessons in the wandering have been learned.

Turning to His Word, I read of countless others brought to the wilderness - some because of their own sin, others for a time of testing, and still others for a time of surrender in the molding of their heart.  Each had to endure at the mercy of their Heavenly Father, though they were not without His great provision and love.

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years because of their sin and hardened hearts.  Yet, God did not abandon them.  He still provided for their needs, taught them His laws, laid out clear instruction on His holy temple, fought against their enemies, and calmed their fears.  When they finally did enter into the Promised Land, blessings abounded.  It was here that His promise to Abraham was fulfilled, and they grew into a mighty nation, one that would remain forever the apple of His eye.

Jesus, too, went through a wilderness period.  For forty days before His earthly ministry took hold, he spent time in the desert fasting and praying and being tempted by Satan.  After He had passed the test and His wilderness experience ended, Jesus' ministry took off and changed the world.  Eternal blessings in Him poured forth.

Others such as Abraham, Joseph, Noah, Moses, Elijah, Nehemiah, and Daniel all had wilderness experiences in their own right, yet God did amazing things and opened up abundant blessings because of their steadfast faith through it all.

So what is your wilderness today?  Where are you wandering and why do you feel so alone?  Look up, dear friend.  God has a purpose in this dry desert time.  He is making and molding you as He orchestrates the blessings up ahead.  Hold on!  Don't give up.  They are coming...don't you see?  This is all a part of His mighty plan.  We see but a small part, but He sees the entire picture.  Trust Him and He will lead you to the promised land.

Blessings to you,

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:18-19


  1. Stumbled across your post and could not depart without first saying Hi and I hope things are looking up.

    1. Thanks, Danusha. Yes, things are looking up. God is good and I have a new book coming out within a month or so that I believe will help a lot of folks. Thanks for the hello and the encouragement! :)


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