Have Problems? Got Answer.

Today's blog is not particularly law enforcement related.  Matter-of-fact, it probably could be categorized as just a bunch of ramblings from some slightly unnerved crazy woman, but here it goes anyway...

There's so much going on in this world today.  I think of my Ukraine friends who follow my blog.  You all are in my thoughts and prayers as your world quickly becomes chaotic.  Living in America, it is hard to imagine the fear you must feel....the anxiety for your children and grandchildren...yourself, as another nation swoops in armed and ready to take over.

For those countries under dictatorship, my heart goes out to you.  You probably won't even have the opportunity to read this blog, but I hope you know somehow that you never leave the thoughts of God.

For my own homeland, a land that was once blessed by the hand of God and worth dying for by so many, has somehow morphed into an almost unrecognizable nation.  Funny how quickly in the grand scheme of things, attitudes, actions and will can change for the worse.

For our military and law enforcement who put themselves in harms way, you are so underappreciated for the sacrificial services you perform.  My hat is off to you and to the loved ones you leave behind all in the name of duty.

To those facing cancer or other types of debilitating diseases...your suffering is not in vain.  God sees it and will walk with you through it if you let Him.

To those who have suffered at the hands of others...you are not alone.  Many have walked your broken and uneven path and have survived it.  Hold your head up.  Be proud of who God made you to be.  You are dearly loved.

For those who have lost a loved one and are dealing with an overwhelming flood of pain and lost hope...remember that God bottles up your tears and is near the brokenhearted.  Life will come back to you in time.

Why do I say all of this? I guess because I have felt fear during uncertain times.

I have worried over bills and other financial/physical needs that loomed over me like a lead balloon.

I have felt stifled and hindered in trying to accomplish my dreams and goals.

I've watched people in powerful positions make disastrous decisions that affect an entire nation, simply because they acted in their own strength and on their limited knowledge instead of tapping into the Source that is complete power and truth.

I've been the law enforcement wife and mom waiting to hear the key in the lock.

I have experienced health scares that rocked me to the inner core, but taught me to lean on Jesus.

I've experienced the loss of loved ones knocking the breath out of me.  Yet...was truly never alone.

But, it doesn't matter what I've experienced.  What matters is that there's One who knows all of these human realities and so much more.

Have problems?  He is the answer to every hurt, every fear, every disaster, every illness, every moment of weakness.  He is God Almighty and is our...

- Comforter (2 Corinthians 1:3)
- Friend (John 15:14)
- Refuge (Psalm 9:9)
- Strength & Shield (Psalm 28:7)
- Rock (Psalm 18:2)
- Fortress (Psalm 59:16)
- Shelter (Psalm 91:1)
- Deliverer (Psalm 40:17)
- Redeemer (Psalm 19:14)
- Savior (Psalm 25:5)
- Guide (Psalm 48:14)
- Provider (Psalm 111:5)
- Healer (Jeremiah 33:6)

...and so much more.

Wherever you are today and whatever you are experiencing, remember that God loves you and knows you by name.  You are engraved on the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16). 

Look up and believe that God is who He says He is.  Trust Him with your life.  Believe His Word when He tells you that you will never know a more perfect love than His. 

Be an overcomer.  He's the Answer.

