The Way God Rolls

 Rick and me at the Capitol with our boxes of New Testaments.

Don't you just love the way God rolls?  What do I mean by that?  I'm glad you asked!

Last year, Rick and I had the privilege to go to National Police Week in Washington D.C., and meet up with Code3 from California.  While there, we handed out Police-version New Testaments and numerous tracts, plus met so many interesting people from all over the world!

The two of us recognized the need for us to go back every year and somehow spread some "hope"...God's hope, but this year seemed to be doomed financially as we wondered how we would pay for the costly trip there and back.  Enter God.

Out of the blue, I received a facebook message from a police wife from Bangor, Maine inviting me to speak at her LE Marriage event guessed it, the Saturday of Police Week.  With this conference, we would be able to make the flight out there, stopping off for the candlelight ceremony, address at the Capitol, etc., in DC, then make our way on to Maine to share more of our message of hope!  Does God have all the plans He has for us stitched up and perfectly packaged, or what?  Oh yes He does, my friend!  Perfectly.

Please be lifting us up in this upcoming endeavor.  We definitely want to be a beacon of hope reaching out to those wounded by this taxing profession.

Please also pray for the marriage event that it will rock Bangor for Jesus and alter the course for that area.  It is our desire to see God move in extraordinary ways.  I personally want to witness a change in direction for marriage in this country, and I believe it begins with you and me doing our part to stand for something so worth the fight.

Code3 and us in front of our hotel in DC.


  1. When we are obedient to His call on our lives He will do EVERYTHING in His POWER to make His plan work. Thank you Rick & Kristi for surrendering to Him.

  2. Thanks, Marc. It is surely never dull with God. :)


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